PERSONAL INVENTORY: How To Take Personal Inventory

PERSONAL INVENTORY: How To Take Personal Inventory
PERSONAL INVENTORY: How To Take Personal Inventory

Taking personal inventory from time to time is a useful way to measure progress and make a plan for improvement.  You already know that you can’t be everyone for everyone; something must always be given.

When we feel overwhelmed, there is a temptation to want to fix everything at once, but this is not really possible, especially given our limited time.  Assessing with personal inventory can help us focus and use our time wisely.

What Is Personal Inventory?

Personal inventory is a useful method of understanding yourself and your personality.  However, you can also use this knowledge to help determine your optimal career path.

How Does Personal Inventory Work?

Personal inventory asks you to describe where you are today in a number of different areas of life and where you want to be.  Remember, it’s based on your own desires for the future, not someone else’s.

Once you have filled in all the fields, you will be able to take a step back and see which areas meet your desires and which need your attention to grow.

Then choose an area to make your priority in the future, based on those that are most important to you at this time of life.  This can help you move to the end of December and the New Year.

If you know that you are not where you want to be in a particular area, you can give yourself a break, knowing that you will work to improve these systems as soon as the dust settles.


What Is Personal Inventory Assessment?

Personal inventory assessment is the end result of gathering information designed to advance psychological theory and research and increase the likelihood of making wise decisions in applied settings (for example, when selecting the most promising people from a group of job seekers). 

The personality assessment approach is based on the assumption that much of the observed variability in behavior from one person to another is the result of differences in the extent to which individuals possess certain basic personality characteristics (traits).  The evaluator seeks to identify these traits, measure them objectively, and relate them to socially significant aspects of behavior.

Personal Inventory Test

Personality inventory tests are a great way to update your personal inventory.  They often reveal the strengths and weaknesses of each personality type, give you an idea of ​​why you act the way you do (which is great to understand when it comes to setting and achieving goals). 

There are no wrong answers when it comes to taking a personality test.  Just be honest to get an accurate measurement of your personality.

There are many online personality tests available, so feel free to try more than one to really get a comprehensive idea of ​​what interests you. 

Parameters such as the Myers-Briggs Indicator (MBTI) or the Big Five Personality Test will provide an in-depth assessment of your inner work, providing you with the tools to make informed decisions about yourself.

Personal Inventory App

Your personality can affect the type of work in which you succeed or that you enjoy.  To better understand yourself, you can use a self-assessment tool called an identity inventory.  When you use this tool to determine your strengths or strengths, it can help you on the path to an optimal career path.

There are many tools on the market for personal inventory.  Here are some examples.  Your career counselor will choose what is right for you:

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

This is the most famous of all personality inventories.  It was developed by Catherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers based on Carl Jung’s theory of personality type.  The MBTI examines 16 personality types that indicate how a person prefers to recharge, perceive information, make decisions, and live their lives.

Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF)

This inventory measures 16 key personality factors that are thought to make up a person’s personality.  Companies can use it to help with recruitment.

NEO Personality Inventory

NEO-PI examines five dimensions of personality.  It should only be used to confirm or clarify the results of other inventories.

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How To Take Personal Inventory

Identify Your Interests And Values

You can also conduct estimates that are directly related to interests, such as a strong interest inventory.  You can access such tools through a career development professional. 

This tool assesses your preferences on a variety of topics, such as professional and personal activities, types of activities and subject areas.  Then there is a list of career options that may interest you based on your answers.  This list is not the only option, but it can help you in the right direction if you are unsure of your career.

Identify Your Strengths

Understanding your strengths can also be helpful during the application and interview process.  Hiring managers usually ask candidates to describe their professional preferences. 

Using these self-assessment tools, you can identify strengths demonstrated in their results and use them to develop effective interview responses to this question.  Focusing on your strengths can help demonstrate why you could be a positive addition to their team.

Identify Your Weaknesses

By identifying weaknesses, you can also take the time to improve in these areas.  You may decide that you want to be more sociable or extroverted.  To do this, you can take advantage of professional or personal opportunities that will allow you to practice working with other people.

 You can use these improvements or changes to move your career in a new direction or get more job opportunities.  Employers can value people who are trying to develop professionally.

Identify Your Favorite Work Style

Different work styles thrive in different roles or environments, so studying yours can help you show the best career path.  When you find a career that suits your style, it can lead to greater productivity and efficiency.

 For example, you may find that you make decisions based on facts rather than feelings.  In this scenario, you may find roles that rely on facts and logic that are more convenient, such as engineering, rather than roles that leave room for interpretation.

Understand Your Communication Style

Understanding your desired communication style can help you determine in which work environment or role you will thrive.  Looking for a career, you can explore the culture of industries or individual companies. 

If you understand how people in this environment interact with each other, you can assess whether your style fits.  For example, if you have a persistent communication style, you can easily fit into a role that requires negotiation with customers.

Try Different Personality Inventories

The more information you gather, the more knowledge you will have to help you assess potential opportunities and align them with you. 

Assessment also uses different survey techniques.  For example, one may ask you to rate how well the statement fits you, and another may ask how you react to specific situations.  Trying different formats will help you look at yourself, your skills and personality from a new perspective.

Compare And Compare Your Results

You can compare the results of several assessments to better understand yourself.  When you see similar results or patterns in tests, it can give them confidence.  If you see conflicting results, you may want to think a little or take the test again. 

As mentioned, different inventories evaluate different traits or behaviors.  Combining these results can give a broader idea of ​​your personality.  This self-awareness can help you understand why you are doing what you are doing and improve as needed.  You can make changes to make yourself happier at work or find a new job.

Personal Inventory FAQs

What Is The Best Way To Take A Personal Inventory Test?

When it comes to conducting a personal inventory, taking an identity test (or two) is a natural next step. You have a list of things you’d like to work on, and now you need a clearer idea of ​​how you’re going to make those changes (or maybe better understand why these things are on your list to begin with).

Save the test results along with a list of areas you would like to work on.  It’s nice to have this information readily available so you can review it if you need clarification again.

What Is Aptitude Assessment?

Like personality tests, aptitude assessment is a great way to see how you’ve done. Instead of focusing more on what makes you a person; aptitude tests are a great way to see how you are doing professionally. So if you have identified one of your areas that you would like to work on as a “Career”, add an assessment of abilities to your personal inventory.

" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "What Is Aptitude Assessment?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

Like personality tests, aptitude assessment is a great way to see how you've done. Instead of focusing more on what makes you a person; aptitude tests are a great way to see how you are doing professionally. So if you have identified one of your areas that you would like to work on as a \"Career\", add an assessment of abilities to your personal inventory.

" } } ] }


Some recruiters use personality tests to assess potential job candidates.  These assessments can help ensure that candidates match the skills, behaviors, or attitudes that are promoted by the organization’s culture or considered necessary for the job.  Taking tests in your spare time can help you feel more comfortable.  If you encounter estimates when applying, you already know what to expect.  Remember to answer honestly, as this can help prove that the role is really appropriate.

REFERENCES – How To Use a Personality Inventory for Career Searches

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