Estate for years: Definition and Examples

Estate for years: Definition and Examples
Estate for years: Definition and Examples

Real estate for years is a type of lease when the lessee leases real estate for a certain period of time.  There is a start and end date for the lease, and the lease usually lasts for many years. 

The lease agreement specifies the amount of rent that the lessee must pay to the lessor.  It is expected that after the lease expires, the tenant will leave.  Neither the tenant nor the landlord should report this, as the lease agreement specifies the date when the tenant must vacate the property.

What Is An Estate For Years?

An estate for years is usually used when a long-term lease is desired.  For example, if a tenant plans to stay in the area for five years, this type of lease will serve several purposes. 

As a rule, a longer period fixes the amount of monthly rent that the tenant offers to the property owner for the duration of the contract.  In addition, this type of lease usually provides very specific provisions regarding the rights and obligations of both the landlord and the tenant.

Can A Tenant Build On The Property He Rents?

One interesting thing about the estate for years is that the tenant can build on the property he rents.  The lease may be concluded for such a long period of time that the lessee may receive income from the buildings he erects on the territory.  This is one thing that makes such a long-term lease attractive.

How Does Estate For Years Contract Work?

As a rule, the contract specifies the exact date when the tenant may take possession of the property, as well as the specific date when the property must be transferred to the owner. 

With these types of leases, the landlord or property owner is not required to issue any vacancy notices, as the expiration date is the date when the tenant must leave the property or be subject to additional fines and possible legal action.

What Is Benefit Of A Landlord In An Estate For Years Contract?

For landlords, an estate for years can also be very profitable.  Assuming that the lessee has financial stability and other characteristics that the lessor deems acceptable, concluding this long-term agreement means that the income from the property will be stable over a long period of time. 

This does not have to be a one- or two-year lease, as there is always a chance that the property will remain vacant between tenants. 

In addition, inheritance provisions for many years usually require the lessee to take proper care of the property while it is in his or her possession, a provision that actually helps the landlord maintain the property in good condition for many years. 

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Estate For Years Vs Periodic Tenancy

Real estate for years is a lease with a specific start and end date.  It is expected that after the lease expires, the lessee will vacate the property. 

Neither the tenant nor the landlord is required to notify the termination of this lease, as the expiration date is indicated at the beginning. The lease may or may not be renewed after the initial lease period. 

Periodic tenancy is a lease without a specific lease expiration date.  The landlord and tenant agree that the tenant may own the property indefinitely.  They can agree if both parties decide that a notice will be sent before the termination of the agreement. 

Any necessary notice will be specified in the lease agreement itself, so that each party will know the amount of notice required from the beginning of the agreement.

Example Of Estate For Years

A good example of real estate for years is where a corporation wants to lease a wasteland for 50 years.  What reason could a corporation have for such a long lease?  Consider a situation where the corporation owns residential complexes. 

The business is thriving and the corporation decides to invest in a new residential complex.  As a rule, the corporation buys a vacant lot, large enough to accommodate the residential complex they want to build.  However, the only available property that meets their needs is not for sale, but available for rent. 

The residential complex was built on the site at the expense of the corporation.  For the next 50 years, the corporation can rent out each apartment and ultimately profit from the deal.  This is an example of an estate for years.

Example Of Periodic Tenancy

Now consider the situation where Melissa owns a house.  She decides to move in with her partner, but does not want to sell her house.  Carol’s close friend is returning to the city and needs housing.  Carol has no firm plans for the future, she needs a house for an indefinite period of time.

Melissa and Carol agree that Carol will live in the house indefinitely and will pay Melissa a certain amount of rent each month.  They agree that if Carol wants to leave or Melissa wants to get her house back, they will warn the other person in a month.  The two have made their agreement in writing, and Carol moves into the house.

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 What Is Estate For Years In Real Estate?

There are several different types of estates on earth, and each has its own subtypes.  If your goal is to understand the lease for years, it is especially important to consider the different subtypes of the leased property.  They are as follows:

·          Tenancy for Years

This type of lease has a fixed term and often lasts several years.  When renting for years, the lease is set for a long term, but there are clearly defined start and end dates.  The contract may be terminated early if there has been a breach of the lease agreement or if certain pre-agreed conditions have been met. 

Due to the fact that this type of lease may be valid for several years, it is necessary to have a written agreement with the landlord or property owner.  A written contract is vital to the implementation of the provisions of the Fraud Charter.

·          Periodic tenancy

Initially, recurring leases exist for a fixed period of time.  However, the main difference between recurring leases and leases for years is that the lease is automatically renewed if the lessee or lessor does not provide notice of termination.

The most common type of recurring lease is a monthly lease agreement.  However, regardless of the length of the lease term, it is important to note that the specific notice period must be specified in the lease agreement, followed by the person giving notice of termination.

·          Tenancy at will

At the same time, as the name implies, the term “optional lease” refers to the type of lease agreement, where there is no required notice period for termination of the lease.  In this case, both the tenant and the landlord have the opportunity to terminate the lease at any time.

As a rule, in the case of an optional lease, if the lessor decides to terminate the agreement, the lessee will be given a fixed period of time to vacate the leased premises.  However, this is more politeness than a requirement.

This type of arrangement is rarely used to lease property these days because, even if there may be a written lease, it does not provide much security to either party.  Thus, optional leasing is mostly used in short-term leases.

·          Tenancy at sufferance

Finally, a rental lease is not a deliberate type of lease.  Rather, it is a type of property lease that arises when someone who once had a legal interest in the property remains on the premises after his or her legitimate interest has expired.

For example, if the lessee remains in the property after the expiration of the lease agreement, this lease agreement will become a lease agreement.

Estate For Years FAQs

How long does estate for years contract last?

In this type of contract, the lease term can last from year to year or from month to month.  Sometimes there are even arrangements that last only a week.  As a rule, the basis for determining the period of periodic lease will be the amount of rent provided by the lessee. 

Can the landlord terminate estate for years contract without notice?

The landlord or lessor may terminate the lease at any time, provided that the tenant has been notified in advance.  For an annual contract, notice of termination must be given at least six months before the actual termination of the lease.

What is tenancy at will?

As the name implies, it refers to the type of lease agreement, where there is no required notice period for termination of the lease.  In this case, both the tenant and the landlord have the opportunity to terminate the lease at any time.

" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is tenancy at will?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

As the name implies, it refers to the type of lease agreement, where there is no required notice period for termination of the lease.  In this case, both the tenant and the landlord have the opportunity to terminate the lease at any time.

" } } ] }


Most experienced landlords rent out their property for a first 6-month period.  Unless there are exceptional circumstances, most believe that it is unwise to leave the apartment longer than this minimum period until the tenant (usually a complete stranger and an unknown number) proves himself.  Only then will an experienced landlord consider a longer period of, say, 12 months or more.

It also benefits the tenant: Landlords with long-term tenants often leave the rent in the initial amount for a long period; again, believing that raising the rent can lead to a good tenant leaving them.  Landlords often believe that the losses, costs and risks of finding a new stranger not only encourage a good tenant to stay in the long run, but also much less loss than the tenant’s losses, costs and risk.

REFERENCES – Tenancy for Years: A Beginner’s Guide


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