CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL: Formula and Balance Sheet Presentation

contributed capital

Contributed capital is a line on many companies’ balance sheets after they go public that shows the amount of cash, services, and property (or total value) put in the company in exchange for stock. Contributed capital is one of two types of Owner’s Equity documented on a balance sheet, the other being retained earnings. For accounting and taxation purposes, it is critical for a new firm issuing stock to comprehend the idea of contributed capital. Let’s see how to determine the contributed capital using the formula and its position on the balance sheet.

What is Contributed Capital?

Contributed capital (also known as paid-in capital) is the total value of a firm’s equity purchased directly from the corporation by investors. In other words, it represents the entire amount of money given to a firm by its shareholders to acquire their holdings in it.

The value paid for equity through initial public offers (IPOs), direct public offerings, and public listings is included in a company’s contributed capital. Contributed capital essentially includes both the par value of share capital (common stock) and the value above par value (additional paid-in capital).

Contributed capital is included in the shareholders’ equity portion of the balance sheet. The contributed capital account on the balance sheet is divided into two different accounts: a common stock account and additional paid-in capital.

What is the Process of Contributed Capital?

Contributed capital is an entry on a company’s balance sheet that represents the amount of equity purchased by shareholders. It also shows how much shareholders paid for their investment or position in the company. The total value of a company’s shares issued in exchange for cash or assets from shareholders is referred to as contributed capital. Contributed capital is made comprised of funds raised through initial public offerings (IPOs), secondary offers, and direct public offerings. Contributed capital includes assets exchanged for stock as well as cash paid by shareholders for equity.

What Is the Importance of Contributed Capital?

Accountants, the IRS, and investors are all interested in a company’s contributed capital amount because it predicts future development potential.

Furthermore, the amount of capital contributed frequently represents a company’s future performance. It represents how much more money investors were willing to pay than the stock’s par value. This demonstrates the broad level of interest in the company.

Contributed Capital Formula

The contributed capital is computed as the sum of the value of the company’s common stock and the additional paid-in capital. It is expressed by the following contributed capital formula: –

Contributed Capital = Common Stock Par Value + Additional Paid-In Capital

Contributed Capital Formula

The effective par value of the stock would be the first step in determining the contributed capital. This is the sum that the company would quote to investors if it went to the financial market. The next step would be to determine the additional paid-in capital that investors typically contribute to the business in excess of the par value of the common stock. The contributed capital would then be calculated as the total of the common stock and the additional paid-in capital.

Contributed Capital Example

Assume the company issued 1,000 shares of common stock at a price of $10 per share. When the company moved to the primary market, it was able to raise $120,000 through the issuance of stock. Assist management in calculating the additional paid-in capital and contributed capital.


The primary market raised $120,000 for management. This sum would be considered the business’s contributed capital. The difference between the contributed capital and the par value of the shares would be the additional paid-in capital.

Calculate the stock’s par value as shown below: –

Stock par value = number of shares * monetary value

Stock Par Value = 1,000 x $10

The stock’s par value is $10,000.

The increased paid-in capital is determined as follows:

Additional Paid-In Capital = Contributed Capital – Stock Par Value

$120,000 – $10,000 = Additional Paid-In Capital

$110,000 in additional paid-in capital

As a result, the company has $110,000 in increased capital and $120,000 in contributed capital.

Contributed Capital Components

The contributed capital is made up of two major components: common stock and additional paid-in capital. As a result, the contributed capital can be calculated as the total of common stock and additional paid-in capital. The common stock is thus defined as a financial instrument stated in terms of par value equivalent to the number of issued stocks. The additional paid-in capital for the business is defined as money supplied by shareholders that exceed the par value of the stock.

Contributed Capital on the Balance Sheet

The contributed capital can be found in the company’s balance sheet. It is included in the company’s stockholders’ equity. So, it would typically consist of common shares and additional paid-in capital.

Contributed Capital’s Importance

When the company goes public for the first time, the contributed capital is documented. The paid-in capital is then calculated based on the amount of stock sold directly to investors. As a result, any transactions or trades in the secondary market involving equities are not recorded as contributed capital. The contributed capital is significant since it represents the extra money received by the company over and above the par value of the stock.

Capital Contribution

It is vital to note that a capital contribution, or cash injections into a corporation, can take different forms besides the selling of stock shares. An owner, for example, could take out a loan and utilize the proceeds to make a capital contribution to the company. Non-cash assets such as buildings and equipment can also be used to make capital contributions to businesses. These are all different sorts of capital contributions that raise the equity of the owners. The phrase contributed capital, on the other hand, is normally reserved for the amount of money acquired from issuing shares and not for other types of capital contributions.

Common Stock vs. Contributed Capital

Common stocks are typically issued by businesses at their par value. Each common stock would have a par value that investors would pay for. The value stated under the common stock account is part of the contributed capital. As a result, the contributed capital might be the sum of the common stock and the matching paid-in capital, where the paid-in capital represents the amount of capital provided to the firm by the investors over and above the par value of the stock.

What is the Difference Between Additional Paid-in Capital and Contributed Capital?

The balance sheet’s shareholders’ equity part includes related sums known as additional paid-in capital and contributed capital. The primary distinction between increased paid-in capital and contributed capital is that the latter refers to the total amount of cash and assets donated to a firm by shareholders in exchange for the company’s shares. Additional paid-in capital is the value of cash or assets supplied by shareholders in excess of the par value of the company’s shares.

Additional paid-in capital and contributed capital are also reported differently in the shareholders’ equity portion of the balance sheet. The extra paid-in capital is tracked in a separate account. Contributed capital, on the other hand, is a total of the common stock and additional paid-in capital accounts.


#1. There is no fixed payment burden.

The amount received in the form of contributed capital has no effect on the company’s fixed costs or fixed payment burden. It is thus because there are no definite mandatory payment requirements, as there are if the capital is borrowed by the corporation in the form of regular interest payments. Dividends are paid to shareholders as a result of this.

in the event of a profit However, in the case of profits, it is not mandatory to pay a dividend because it can be deferred and diverted to other business possibilities or necessities if necessary for the company’s betterment.

#2. There is no collateral.

In exchange for the stock shares issued, the investors do not require a collateral pledge, which may be required if the company seeks capital through borrowing money. Furthermore, the company’s present assets remain unencumbered and accessible for use as collateral for future loans. Apart from existing assets, if the firm purchases new assets with money acquired through the issuance of equity capital, the funds can also be used to secure the company’s long-term debt in the near future

#3. There are no restrictions on the use of funds.

If a corporation borrows funds, the lender’s principal goal is for the company to repay the debt and interest component on time. As a result, a lender wants to ensure that the loan earnings are utilized in areas where they can create income for timely loan payback. As a result, the lender creates financial covenants.

, which places constraints on how loan funds can be used. However, this restriction does not apply to equity owners who rely on governance rights to defend their interests.


#1. There is no guarantee of a return.

Contributed capital does not guarantee profits, growth, or dividends to investors, and their returns are more uncertain as compared to the returns received by debt holders. As a result of this risk, stock investors anticipate a higher rate of return on their investment.

#2. Diminishing Ownership

In terms of the election of a board of directors, equity investors have governance rights.

and the approval of many of the company’s main commercial choices This right results in dilution of ownership and control, as well as increased oversight of management actions.

Common Errors

Donations should not be confused with contributed capital. Contrary to popular belief, contributed capital has nothing to do with donations or non-profits. It is distinct from the money contributed by investors that is unrelated to your firm going public.

Only when stock is issued is contributed capital appraised. The corporation receives no capital when stock is traded between stockholders.


The contributed capital is defined as the company’s common stock and additional paid-in capital. It reflects the amount that the firm collects by issuing stocks to potential stockholders and is described in the form of the equity investment made by the business’s stockholders. The investors acquire shares from the company in exchange for cash or liquid assets. The company may issue stock and raise funds to pay off the company’s existing debt. With a large amount of contributed capital, the company boosts the degree of equity participation, which dilutes the ownership of current stockholders.

Contributed Capital FAQs

What is contributed capital formula?

Contributed Capital FormulaCommon Stock + Additional Paid-in Capital. The common stock is calculated by subtracting retained earnings from total equity.

What is a capital contribution to an LLC?

Capital is defined as the cash or assets in an LLC (or any type of entity for that matter).In other words, a capital contribution is a member’s contribution of assets, usually cash, into the LLC.

What is the earned capital?

Earned capital is a company’s net income, which it may choose to keep as retained earnings if it does not pay out dividends to shareholders. As a result, earned capital is simply earnings kept within an entity.

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