Consumer non durables are goods that are consumed for one or more uses; expendables.  Durable consumer goods are further divided into packaged and unpackaged.

Non-durable goods make up a significant part of the country’s gross domestic product in the categories of personal consumption, exports and public procurement.

What Are Consumer Non Durables?

Durable goods are a stable figure in the economy because they are essential goods (such as groceries) that consumers must buy regardless of the current economic situation. 

This means that non-durable goods are not as subject to the business cycle – or the cycle of economic expansion and contraction – as durable goods.

These products can be used immediately or for a short life.  A good explanation for understanding the concept of consumer durables is to compare them with consumer durables that should be used for more than 3 years.

What Are Consumer Durables?

 Some common examples of consumer durables are car, house, appliances, furniture, etc., while clothing, medicines, food, cosmetics, and beverages belong to the category of consumer durables.

If you own a business that sells durable goods, your company will suffer less from the recession than a business that sells durable goods.  

Investors take advantage of this difference by emphasizing buying stocks of durable goods in a developing economy and changing the course to investing in non-durable goods as the economic cycle shrinks.

Consumer Non Durables Stocks

A variety of business functions are included in the larger consumer goods sector in accordance with industry classification standards.  Want to consider investing or trading in stocks of a wide range of consumer non durables? 

Many of these companies in the consumer non durables sector have their shares listed and available for trading on various US stock exchanges.

Consumer Non Durables Sector

Over the past five years, there has been a sharp jump in consumer durables, as rising disposable incomes have boosted consumption and higher food prices have boosted value.

A key trend that will become apparent in the coming years is the growing influence of multinational companies (MNCs).  From skin creams to chocolate, emerging markets, including India, are in the spotlight.  It is another matter whether they will be able to increase their market share in India, but they are likely to increase competition.


Characteristics Of Consumer Non Durables

  • The service life is short, usually less than three years.  In fact, some foods, such as food, have only a few days and are consumed once.  Meanwhile, some others are longer and they are good, short-lived.
  • Consumers buy regularly because non-durable goods have a relatively short lifespan.  Therefore, consumers will buy them more often, perhaps once a week.
  • Prices are relatively cheap.  To buy it, consumers usually pay in cash rather than on credit or rely on loans.
  • Durable items such as food and beverages are not rented out.
  • Consumers usually buy it to meet basic needs such as food and drink.  They are necessary for survival.
  • Purchase of non-durable goods belongs to the category of demand for consumer goods.  This means that consumers spend money to get the benefits as quickly as possible.
  • Consumers are less likely to spend money.  In fact, some things are bought impulsively.  I mean, they buy when they see them without any prior intentions or plans.  An example is buying candy when you are at the checkout.

Consumer Non Durables VS Consumer Durable Goods

Durable consumer goods are items purchased by households and individuals with a lifespan of three or more years. These include cars, household appliances, furniture, utensils, tools and equipment, sports equipment, luggage, telephones, electronics, music tools, books and jewelry. 

The category also includes some intangible products such as software.  Non-durable goods last less than three years on average.  BEA includes in this category food, pharmaceuticals, tobacco, clothing, household items, personal care products, magazines and gasoline.

Consumer Non Durables Example

Consumer non durable goods or soft goods are the opposite of durable goods and are called consumables.  They can be defined as goods that are immediately consumed in one use or have a service life of less than three years.

 Examples of non-durable goods are cosmetics, cleaning products, food, fuel, beer, cigarettes, paper products, rubber, textiles, clothing and footwear.  You can find examples of softs in futures in our guide to the basics of soft futures trading.

Although durable goods can be both rented and purchased, non-durable goods are generally not rented out.  The purchase of durable goods belongs to the category of “demand for goods”, while the purchase of non-durable goods – to the category of “consumption of goods”.

What Is Private Good?

Private goods are product or service produced by a private company and purchased to increase the usefulness or satisfaction of the buyer.  Most goods and services consumed in a market economy are private goods, and their prices are to some extent determined by market forces of supply and demand.  Pure private goods can be excluded and compete, where exclusion means that producers may prevent some people from consuming a product or service based on their ability or willingness to pay, and a competitor indicates that one person’s consumption reduces the amount available to another.

 In practice, private goods exist within a continuum of exclusivity and rivalry and may even have only one of these characteristics.

What Is Public Good?

Public good, is a product or service that is non-excludable or exhausted.  A product cannot be excluded if individuals cannot be prohibited from using its benefits when the product is provided.  Good is inexhaustible if one person’s enjoyment of the good does not reduce the amount of good available to others.

For example, clean air is (for all practical purposes) a public good, because its use by one person does not exhaust (for all practical purposes) the stock available to others, and there is no way to exclude a person from its consumption. 


Difference Between Private Good Vs Public Good

Public goods are different from private goods, which can be excluded and exhausted.  Food is a simple example of a private good: consuming a piece of food by one person deprives others of consuming it (so it is exhausting), and some people can be excluded from consuming it (by granting ownership of private property). 

Some products do not fit into any of the categories because they are not excluded but not exhausted (eg a music concert) or not excluded but depleted but (for example, a public beach that may become less attractive or “depleted” as more people use it).

Consumer Non Durables FAQs

Does Recession Affect Non-Durable Goods?

If you own a business that sells non durable goods, your company will suffer less from the recession than a business that sells durable goods.  Investors take advantage of this difference by emphasizing buying stocks of durable goods in a developing economy and changing the course to investing in non-durable goods as the economic cycle shrinks.

What Are Some Examples Of Durable Goods?

Home appliances, machineries, cars – all this belongs to the category of durable goods. As a rule, durable goods are consumer goods with a service life of 3 years or more. Food, cosmetics, toiletries, cigarettes, and beverages are short-lived, as are those that die during use.


A much better way to understand short-lived things is that they are usually very short-lived.  In the purest sense of the word, they are consumed, which means that you need to buy them often, such as food, wine, alcohol and gasoline.  If you’re an Amazon shopper, these are probably the items you make for the automatic buying cycle, such as paper towels and dish soap.

  During the recession cycle, short-lived goods may be bought at lower prices and in reduced quantities, but the family can only cut back so much.  At some point, they still need food.  Thus, the reduction of discretionary costs during the recession has a significant impact on the durable goods markets and much less on the durable goods markets.

REFERENCES – Durable Goods: Meaning, Characteristics, Examples, And Importance

  1. Bargain Wholesale: All You Need To Know
  2. What is a Bear Hug in Business: Definition & How It Works
  3. MODIFIED GROSS LEASE: Definition and All You Need To Know
  4. What Is Operating Profit? Formula, Examples, and calculations
  5. VARIANCE REPORT: Detailed Guide To Variance Reporting
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